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If you are planning to move South Africa to do work, then it's better to apply general work permit South Africa. The permit allowed to the people to do work in South Africa for extended period and the work permit comes under temporary Residency visa category.

What are the requirement to qualify for general work permit South Africa:

  • All foreign qualification and experiences evaluated by SAQA
  • A recommendation letter from the department of labour South Africa
  • Applicant must have employment letter from register South African company

How to prove that the position cannot be filled by a South African national?

People have to prove their credibility to get general work permit South Africa. You need to show how you can beneficial for the South Africa overall growth. You also write a letter in favour of department home affairs of Africa that your position can't be filled by local talent of South Africa.

What are the need of recommendation letter from the department of labour

The department of home affairs has decided to encourage South African company to hire International staff for the growth of country. The Department of Labour has now been employed to further analyse your application in showing that all attempts has been exhausted to first find a local South Africa people or permanent resident.

According to the Department of Labour, they are now dedicated to processing your application within 30 days, but in our knowledges applications are taking about 2 months to be processed before sending a recommendation letter to DHA.

How long to take process general work visa

The South African department of home affairs are dedicated to processing an application within 30 days, it is more real to imagine the visa to be processed within 2 to 3 months from the time of fly to South Africa. Co-ordinating all the 3rd party processes like Salary Benchmarking / Department of Labour Certificate, the assignment of the advertisement, your SAQA certificate play a key role.  It takes two to three month for approval of general work visa South Africa.

What about applying for permanent residency

In short general work visa held for 5 years, then you can apply for permanent residency South Africa. It is however important that applicant is aware of the fact that an application for permanent residency does not the right to remain in the country after your work visa has expired.

Do I required some formal qualification

It would surely help if the applicant does hold a formal qualification! The department of home affairs might ask that the educations be assessed in terms of its authenticity, what the qualification includes and if it is relevant to the position applied for.

In the case where a migratory employee applies for a General Work Visa, they need to be landing in a job of from certified South African Company.

Else Visa is a leading migration advisor who can help you to get general work permit South Africa. We are a South Africa based immigration consultant who can help people with their different queries related to South Africa visa in different categories. We offer our services absolutely free.

