Get short stay visitor visa for join blockchain conference in South Africa

Want to join blockchain conferences in South Africa and looking for the short term visa for South Africa? Then you must read this blog. In this blog, we cover you required to apply for short term visa for South Africa. Short term stay in South Africa can be from 6 days to 6 months.  The South Africa Government gives short stay visa in business categories such as for meeting, workshop, conferences and much more

For meeting, workshops and conferences stay can be from 3 days to 15 days. The process of visa application for blockchain conference in South Africa is the same as short term stay visa.

How I can qualify for visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa?

In order to qualify visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa, you need to show your invitation letter which directed from the registered Blockchain company of South Africa. If you have proper documents or in invitation letter which initiate registered Blockchain Company of South Africa, then you are eligible to join blockchain conferences in South Africa. The duration of visa process is 5 days to 3 week. In most of the case of short term visa, you will get within 3 to 5days.

Duration of visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa?

The duration of visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa is not more than 6 months as it is counted for term visa. And for short term visa, South African government allows only 6 months stay in country. And in one time you only get six months visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa. Visa can only extended on a special recommendation of only of the company which organized conference.

South African government encourage the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology implementation. There are many business entrepreneurs and start-ups are keen interested for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in South Africa. A number of blockchain communities are in South Africa which working for blockchain growth and cryptocurrencies. 

Else Visa can help you to get visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa. We are a South Africa based immigration Consultancy company which offer free consultation services for Indian to get visa to join blockchain conference in South Africa. If you want to know “what is the next process to apply short term or conferences visa South Africa”, then you can visit our official website. Our experienced visa professionals help you to get visa in an effective way. We help Indian to pass the visa application for visa blockchain conference in South Africa

To know more about us and our services, free to write an Email about your visa queries. And we will get back to you within business or as quick as we can.
